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2015 Bike-a-Thon Pre Registration:

Thank you for your Pre Registration in our 2015 Bike-a-Thon! We will notify you via email of any changes or updates to our event.


2015 Bike-a-Thon


We appreciate your support of our 2015 Bike A Thon Outreach.  We are looking forward to a great time.


PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED: Please complete the information above to preregister for our event.   


Be sure to print out our sponsorship form so you can get started gathering support for your bike ride.  Make your 10 mile ride count.  Get your family, co-workers and friends to sponsor you for a flat rate, or per mile.  Please feel free to print as many forms as you need. 


For your safety, bicycle helmets must be worn by all riders.  Please read, sign, and date our release/waiver forms below and bring them with you.  All forms must be signed and dated before you can participate with our bike ride.

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